Natural Resources
Biological & Habitat Assessments
Plant Community Mapping
Wetland Delineation
Botanical Surveys
General Wildlife Surveys (Invertebrates, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, Mammals)
Threatened, Endangered, & Fully Protected Species Surveys - Quino Checkerspotm Hermes Copper, Desert Tortoise, Southwestern Pond Turtle, Northwestern Pond Turtle, Yosemite Toad, California Red Legged Frog, Arroyo Toad, Burrowing Owl, California Gnatcatcher, Western Yellow Billed Cuckoo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, & Least Bell’s Vireo
Nesting Bird Surveys
Cowbird Trapping
Habitat Restoration
Bat Surveys & Habitat Assessments
Forde bat biologists are authorized to conduct bat habitat assessments, evening emergence surveys, and acoustical bat surveys using ultrasonic detectors to collect calls for acoustical analysis. Forde’s team is experienced on how to collect, record, and analyze bat calls using full spectrum, heterodyne, frequency-division, and time-expansion.
T&E Riparian Bird Surveys
From 2008 to 2010, our Principal Biologist conducted protocol-level surveys for several threatened and endangered (T&E) riparian bird species, including Southwestern willow flycatcher and Western yellow-billed cuckoo, as well as least Bell’s vireo, along a 25-mile stretch of the Santa Clara River and its major tributaries including San Francisquito Creek and Castaic Creek. Forde detected a handful of migrant flycatchers and cuckoos during each year of the surveys, and 50+ vireo territories including 11 active nests.
Wetland Delineations
Forde has delineated over 200 streams and wetlands in Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Los Angeles counties including major portions of the Santa Clara River and the Ballona Wetlands and has prepared Section 404 (USACE), Section 401 (RWQCB), and Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement (CDFW) applications.